Background image of business people handshake.

From Our Network to Your Network

Join our thriving community to amplify your visibility, cultivate fruitful partnerships, and propel your success to new heights.


Who we are?

We are a growing community of entrepreneurs, CEOs, investors, business owners and professionals who comes together to have fun, learn and participate in activities while doing business networking.

Who We Are

Our Mission

We target to connect businesses in Asia. To help every member to grow their business through connections & collaboration.

Our Core Team

Benson Chua

Benson Chua

Checkin Pte Ltd

Grace Choo

Grace Choo

Business Checkin Pte Ltd

Grace Chin

Grace Chin

PropNex Limited

Pinko Chua

Celine Pinko Chua

ASEAN SMEs Advisory Firm

Francis Ng

Francis Ng

House of Seafood

Bryan Ang

Bryan Ang

Nuclear Marketing Pte Ltd

Zhou Junwei

Zhou Junwei



How are we

We encourage members to find collaborations than to sell to each other

We try to remove elements of unnecessary commitment/ listening to unwanted talks so that members can focus on fun & fulfilling networking activities

Fostering long-term friendships through fun and fulfilling activities. By getting to know each other first, we lay the foundation for successful collaborations and a thriving community.


Members benefit

Refer & Earn

Many fun and fulfilling events

Exclusive Premium Members Deals

Business Profile

Group Chats

Small Closed Groups

What can you expect?

Members can attend a variety of events including networking mixers, industry-specific workshops, and webinars led by experts in different fields. On top of business events, we also want to take care of your well-being with casual activities such as makan session, physical activities and overseas bonding trip. These events are designed to help you connect, bond, learn, and grow your business.

What to expect


Join as a free member to get started now!

Enjoy all the exclusive benefits for our members.